Kia ora! My name is Payton

Kia ora! My name is Payton, I go to Glenbrae School. I am in Year 6 and my teacher is Mr Te Aotonga. My favourite subject is Reading and I enjoy learning about the Body System .  I am good at Reading and Writing.  My goal for this year is to get better at math. In my spare time I like to Sleep and play with my dogs.

2 thoughts on “Kia ora! My name is Payton

  1. Kia ora Payton.

    My name is Zahra and I go to Koputaroa school in Levin. I am a year 6 and my techer is Mr Mac . My goal this year is also to get better at maths too . My favourite subject is writing. I think the human body is amazing and it’s a great thing to learn about. I would like to know what you have been learning this year?


  2. Hi Payton
    It’s Zahra from Koputaroa school. I like your legit or fake slide. Is it meant to have sound, if so I couldn’t hear any?

    Kind regards Zahra

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